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Heart Shaped Bag

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I wanted to make a fun bag to fill with treats, so I decided to make it a heart shape. A heart-shaped bag is perfect to say you care.

Blue paper heart hand sewn with a silk bow and filled with chocolate candy

Heart-Shaped Bag

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How to Make a Heart-Shaped Bag

Gift bags are expensive, and they never seem to be the perfect color or size for small gifts; therefore, I decided to make my fun gift bag. 

You can use this heart-shaped bag all year, but it is especially fun to use for Valentine’s Day. You might enjoy making fabric hearts too. 

Heart Bag Supplies

  • Heart shape Pattern Note: be sure to look in your Promotional and spam folders for the pattern
  • Cricut machine or use scissors to cut 
  • Tassel maker
  • Craft paper
  • Ice pick
  • Glue
  • Sari silk 
  • Needle
  • Thread conditioner
  • Embroidery floss
  • Ribbon
  • Buttons
  • Ribbon
  • Yarn
  • Cardboard box
  • Scissors
  • I recommend you watch the how-to video before you begin this craft.
Paper heart bag crafting supplies on a craft table

Heart-shaped bag supplies


Cut Heart-Shape Pattern

After downloading the heart sewing pattern, you have two choices: scissors to cut out the design or a cutting machine such as a Cricut machine. 

Heart shapes cut out of craft paper on a mat

Paper Heart Cutouts

Make a Tassel 

Adding a pretty handmade yarn tassel to the bottom of the heart adds a little Boho vibe that is feminine and fun.

I used the best tassel-making tool to make this tassel, but no worries, you can make your tassel maker if you don’t have this tool. See how in this earlier post.

Making a yarn tassel with a tassel maker

Yarn tassel

Punch Holes in Heart

To punch holes in the heart pieces, I place them on the wrong side together on some cardboard parts. Then, using an ice pick, I punch holes into the seam allowance of the stacked heart pieces.

I like to make my holes about 1/2″ in from the cut edge and about 1/2″ apart. 

Punching holes in the Paper hearts on a stack of cardboard using an ice pick

Punch holes

Attach Tassel

Before sewing my heart bag, I attached the tassel to the inside of the back heart piece, careful not to get glue in the holes I punched.

Using hot glue to attach the tassel to the inside of the heart point on the bottom heart on a silicone mat

Attach tassel

Sew the Heart-Shaped Bag

Next, I cut 18″ of embroidery floss, then tread it through my needle and knot the other end.

Then, I pull the embroidery floss through a thread conditioner to help prevent it from tangling.  

Using thread conditioner on the embroidery floss before sewing the heart

Condition thread

Note: You can top stitch your heart with a whip, running, or blanket stitch. 

To begin sewing together my hearts, I hold the heart pieces facing the wrong sides, then I start at the top center and pull my thread from the backside through the first hole to the front side of the heart. 

I repeat this sewing process until I have sewn together about 2/3 of the heart so I have a large enough opening to fill the heart.

Sewing the heart together using the punched holes

Sew Hearts together

You might enjoy making a full-sized tote bag if you enjoy sewing projects.

Fill the Bag with Gifts or Fiber

You can fill your heart with candy, small gifts, or fiberfill. 

Filling the heart with candies before sewing it closed

Fill heart

Seventh Step: Sewing to Close Bag

After filling the heart with candy, I continued stitching around it until it reached the last hole, and then I knotted and trimmed my embroidery floss. 

Side view of the candy filled heart before stitching it closed

Filled heart

Add a Ribbon Hanger

Next, I used a hole punch to make holes at the top on both sides of the heart about one inch from the cut edge so that the heart does not tear. 


Using a hole punch to make holes for a ribbon loop hanger on a craft mat

Punch holes

To create a handle I pulled a ribbon through the back holes of the heart and knotted it on the front, however, the handles could be installed the opposite way if you prefer. 

Pulling ribbon through the holes and knotting them on the front side

Ribbon hanger

Embellish Heart Gift Bag The a Button

Next, I like to add embellishments, such as a bow made with ribbon, lace, sari silk, and a little bling. I used a button for my blink on these hearts. 

Add ribbon and lace then a gold bottom to the center of the ribbon on the heart

Embellish with ribbon and lace


Finished filled candy filled heart bag on a wood table with framed photo and rose

Heart-shaped bag with candy

The heart-shaped bag below has a gorgeous silk sari bow made using my favorite bow-making technique.

Blue paper heart hand sewn with a silk bow and filled with chocolate candy

Heart Shaped Bag

Note: You can create your heart out of pieces of fabric for a mini heart-shaped tote.


Want More Craft Ideas?

Please join me (with this form) as we craft up some fun. You can look forward to receiving new inspiration every week. 

See you soon,


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Sunday 20th of February 2022

I just love these crafts


Tuesday 22nd of February 2022

@Sonya, Thank you so much. Happy Spring, Kippi

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